Sunday, 7 July 2013

Management lessons from the story of” Three monks and no water”.


The film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water; two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water. The film does not contain any dialogues, allowing it to be watched by any culture, and a different music instrument was used to signify each monk. The film tells the story from the aspect of the MONKS.

Directed by
Written by
Release date(s)

In this play, main aim is to show essence of TEAM WORK and PRODUCTIVITY, these are explained by theme of fetching water from down the hill to top of hill, where Monastery is situated. Film of 'Three Monks' can be seen below

Twists and turns of movie :

The problem is above videos are fetching water from down hill to monastery at top.there were three monks each with different type of mentality. This is beautiful example with which we get to know the importance of TEAM work.
 1 single monk is present and  it is easier to bring two buckets of water on a bamboo stick balanced on his shoulder. However, when another monk arrives to monastery, the first monk initially thinks he would be relieved of his duties. However, this is not meant to be and the two monks together decides to share the load and carry a single bucket of water between them by balancing the bucket at the centre of the stick. But while coming along with water problem has come. Because of difference in heights of 2 monks bucket was shuttling from one end to another end incessantly. But finally first monk took initiative and took out scale and measured and both of them fixed mid point and attached bucket to that point.

Another problem has come when a third monk comes to monastery. Initially, both the monks in the scene decided to let the third monk do fetch water single. He went down hill and brought water but he felt so thirsty that he started drinking water which he brought and then all of them fought for water and finally nothing left. Finally each monk took one bucket and they waited for rainfall so that they get water with out any hard work. But cloud passes and these 3 monks disappointed. 

Now all of a sudden, a rat is interested to eat candle. As it eats, bottom part of candle, top part falls down and fire spreads and in a minutes entire monastery catches fire. As the fire spreads, 3 monks became horrified and one of the monk took bucket and ran down hill to fetch water and 2nd monk also ran behind him to fetch water but with no bucket. As first monk was in hurry, while returning back by mistake 2nd monk was hanged onto bamboo stick and surprisingly first monk could not even make out and after reaching top hill, he almost threw 2nd monk as if it is with bucket with full of water. Finally, third monk realizes and stops in doing so. Here all realizes that they should work as team  and decided to work. Now bottom half of hill is covered by first monk and top half by 2nd monk and brought water is thrown on to monastery by 3rd monk. After some times, they finally made fire to put off. 

Now they became friends and understood the meaning of TEAM work .they had employed new innovative technique of fetching water by fixing pulley at edge of hill and using rope they brought water to monastery. one monk at pulley, other at down-hill and other takes water into monastery from pulley point.

Management Learning

There is possibility that people forget their responsibilities if there is no proper management  (rules,regulations and system).

These monks are smart enough to innovate new method of using a pulley to carry the water bucket up the hill rather than going down and fetching. With this method, they have innovated and excelled in the function of bringing water to the monastery by reducing their own physical effort. Hence innovation is best part of management learnings. A successful manager should be innovative to survive in this fast growing and competitive world. 

3.PRODUCTIVITY    (Out put / Input ):
By inventing new innovative method of fetching water, their productivity has gone up very high.
Now with same inputs, they produced higher output.

Single man more effort (less productivity)

Three man with specified work, less effort by individual , more out put
(more productivity) .

Synergy means, sum of whole is greater than parts. Here two monks going and getting one bucket is more efficient and gives more productivity. Proper synergy should be present between workers/employees in organization they works towards a common goal as shown in above fig. of three monks and it should lead to high productivity and highly efficient.

During problem between monk 1 and monk 2, monk 1 has took initiative to solve problem rather than sitting silently like monk 2. He took out scale and measured and fixed point of bamboo stick to fix bucket. Hence, being a good team player one has to put all his egos a side and step towards crises elimination.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Goals setting _Smart goals

What keeps me going is GOALS, goals and goals....................

The end toward which effort is directed. Goals are dreams and wants except a goal is more specific. Goal setting is a formal process during which one define targets that he plan to achieve.  When one set goals, he commit to outcomes that he can accomplish personally or through his team process during which he define targets that he plan to achieve.  

Goal setting creates a long term vision for ones chapter, and provides the motivation to get him there.  It has the additional benefit of helping them decide how they want to focus their resources and spend their time.

Learning how to set goals is as important as knowing what the goal should contain.  What’s important to remember about setting goals is the correct F.R.A.M.E. of mind.  What is meant by “frame of mind?”  Each letter in the word “frame” illustrates the following: 
n  Goal setting works!!!!!!
n  Have you ever sat down on a Sunday evening in front of a pile work and asked yourself "What happened to the weekend?" 
n   When done properly, goal setting helps you do those day to day activities that you know you should do to be successful but don't always get done. 
n  More generally, goal setting helps you to identify what you want to accomplish and find a way to do it.

5 Qualities of Effective Goals S.M.A.R.T
n  Before one begin their goal setting process it is important to know what qualities he goals should embody. Effective goals have three important qualities. They are realistic, measurable, and reviewed.

·         The Goal should be SPECIFIC enough so that we know exactly for what we are striving.
·         A goal must be MEASURABLE. It should have concrete facts. one should be able to answer very specifically, when and how some one will know he attained his goal
·         ACTION-ORIENTED: declaring positive activity that will produce results.
·         A goal must be REALISTIC. Challenging yourself is an important part of goal setting. one want to aim high; however, he also need to be realistic.
·         TANGIBLE: meaning concrete and not vague.

 Also… don’t forget…Goals must also be… REVIEWED

Setting goals is a means of identifying and plotting how we are going to achieve our aim in life. By writing down our goals we are committing our self to accomplishing them; therefore, make sure that one goals are important to him.... 

                                                                           - TOM HOPKINS